to the conclusion of a distance selling contract and further information to the conclusion of an electronic contract.
The following information to distance selling contracts does not reproduce any contract condition, but serve solely to fulfil our statutory obligation to provide information in case of distance selling and e-commerce.
You may find out more about our general terms and conditions following this link.
You may receive the complete customer information in written form at the latest on the execution of the service. You may also print or store that information.
You conclude the distance selling contracts with
Ute Hoepker - Owner of the company
Stürmerweg 2
D - 82211 Herrsching
Telephone: 0049-(0)163-2727339
E-Mail: info(at)
(1) The Customer shall choose products from our sales program by selecting the button „Add to shopping cart“. By clicking the button „Buy” during the order process, you are giving us a binding order of the products contained in the shopping cart. Before submitting the order, the Customer may modify and revise the data at any time. Afterwards, the Seller will send an automatic acknowledgement of receipt by e-mail in which the order will be listed and which could be printed through the “print” function. The acknowledgement of receipt does not represent any binding acceptance of the order. In case of payment cash in advance / bank transfer or COD, the sales contract will be generated by forwarding a separate e-mail with the order confirmation or through delivery of the goods.
(2) The contract text shall be saved by the Seller who will send it to the Customer by email together with the legally effective terms and conditions.
Please consult our general terms and conditions for further information. >link
(1) Goods on stock shall be delivered within 3 working days upon validated and complete receipt of payment on the account of the Seller.
(2) The goods will be delivered only to the countries specified in the shipping information.
(3) Delivery shall be subject to the correct and punctual supply to ourselves.
Please consult our general terms and conditions for further information. >link
(1) The purchase prices are final prices in euro. Following § 19 paragraph 1 UStG (German Turnover Tax Act), the Seller will not invoice VAT as a small entrepreneur. Limited special offers or discounts are labelled as such on our website.
(2) Our delivery and shipping costs shall be charged to the final price of the goods. Incurred shipping costs are included on following delivery cost report of the Seller Shipping information.
(3) No additional costs will be charged, apart from that, to the Customer when ordering via distance communication.
Please consult our general terms and conditions for further information regarding prices and delivery >link.
(1) Customers may pay in advance pre cash / bank transfer or cash on delivery. The Provider reserves the right to exclude certain terms of payment.
(2) In case of payment in advance / bank transfer, the delivery shall take place only after the invoiced amount has been accredited to the Sellerʼs account. In case of payment by cash on delivery, the Customer shall pay to the shipping company directly. Cash on delivery is only possible within Germany. COD resulting fees amounting to EUR 7,00 (Service of the mailorder- firm = EUR 5,00 plus direct delivery fee = EUR 2,00) shall be borne by the Customer.
Please consult our general terms and conditions for further information regarding payment terms >link.
Consumers can withdrawal their contractual statement as follows:
Withdrawal instructions
Right of Withdrawal
You have the right to revoke your contractual statement without giving reasons in written form (e.g., letter, fax, e-mail) within 14 days or – if the goods leave to you before the deadline – by returning the goods. The period starts on receipt of this instruction in text form, however, does not begin before receipt of the thing (by partial delivery of goods of similar type not before receipt of the first partial delivery) and also not before fulfilment of our duties of information according to art. 246 § 2 in connection with § 1 paragraphs 1 and 2 EGBGB (Introductory Law to the German Civil Code) as well as our duties according to § 312g paragraph 1 s. 1 BGB (German Civil Code) in connection with art. 246 § 3 EGBGB (Introductory Law to the German Civil Code). The revocation period shall be deemed by sending the revocation or the thing in due time.
Declaration of revocation shall be sent to:
Ute Hoepker,
Owner of the company Lifecircles
Stürmerweg 2
D - 82211 Herrsching
Email: info(at)
Consequences of the revocation:
In the case of an effective revocation both parties are bound to return the benefits already consumed and any eventual revenue (e.g., interests). If you are not able to return all, or part of, the goods, or if the goods are degraded, you shall pay compensation for the value of the goods. You do not need to pay compensation for the value of the goods if the degradation is caused due to your examining the goods as it would have been possible for you in a store. You do not need to pay compensation for the value of the goods for the degradation caused due to the designated use. Packet transportable goods have to be returned to our risk. You must bear the costs of returning the goods if the article supplied is in accordance with was ordered, and if the price of the item to be returned does not exceed EUR 40 or if, in the event of the price of the article being higher, at the time of the cancellation the Customer had not paid in full or made a contractually abrade payment. In all other cases there is no charge for the return of the goods. Articles which cannot be sent by post will be collected from you. Obligation to refund payments must be fulfilled within 30 days. The deadline begins for you with the dispatch of the notice of revocation or the item in question; for us it begins with the receipt of the same.
End of the revocation instructions
The warranty period for Consumers is 2 years from the date of delivery of the goods. Though, the warranty period for Entrepreneurs is 1 year from the date of delivery. In case of used things, the warranty period is also 1 year from the date of delivery.
Please consult our general terms and conditions for further information regarding warranty terms >link.
The following information does not reproduce any contract condition. You may find out more about our general terms and conditions following this link >link.
In case that you have found a product that meets your needs, please select the button “add to shopping cart”. The product will be than added to your shopping cart and the content of the basked will be displayed in an overview. In this overview you may enter the desired quantity of each item in the “Quantity” field. By clicking the “Update” button, the quantity is edited.
You may remove a product from your basket by selecting the option “Remove” from the shopping cart or by entering “0” in the “Quantity” field. By clicking the “Update” button, the amendments are accepted and the product would be removed from the shopping cart. By clicking the “Checkout” button, you may initiate the ordering process of the products placed in the shopping cart.
By clicking the “Checkout” button, another page opens where you may enter your address, contact data and e-mail address. To proceed with the order you may place a checkmark in the box “Accept Data Policy” and press “Next”.
This will take you to a page where you may specify the delivery options. The shipping address is the specified address in your customer account. However, you have the option to enter an alternative delivery address by using the button “Change Address”.
You may know select your shipping method and press “Next”. A page will be now displayed. On this page you may use the button “Change Address” to enter an alternative invoice address. The invoice address is the specified address in your customer account. You may now determine the payment method and add comments to your order.
Furthermore, you may also read at this point our Terms and Conditions and the withdrawal instructions.
Please read carefully these Terms and Conditions and withdrawal instructions and confirm hereafter the checkboxes “I agree to the Terms and Conditions and I certify the correctness of the above mentioned personal data” and “I have read and accept the withdrawal instructions”. You may continue your order only when you acknowledge that yo u have taken note and approve the withdrawal instructions and the Terms and Conditions. Please check all details carefully. You may amend the delivery address, invoice address, mode of shipment, payment method and the products of the shopping cart at any time during the order transaction by selecting the “Back” function of the internet browser. Provided that all entries are correct, please click on „send order” in order to complete the entire ordering process.
We will immediately confirm the receipt of your order via e-mail.
Please consult our general terms and conditions for further information >link.
We storage your ordering data and send it to you via e-mail. Our general terms and conditions will be at the latest available after concluding the contract by e-mail.
You may amend your entries at any time during the order transaction by selecting the “Back” button of the browser marked with a left pointing green arrow and performing the corresponding modification. The required number of articles can be amended by modifying the quantity in the field „Quantity” of the “shopping cart“. The amendments will be accepted by clicking the button „Update“. You may also amend – where necessary – the delivery address, invoice address and the products in the shopping cart by clicking the button “edit” in the order summary. Entered data may be also edited during the ordering transaction by selecting the “Back” function of the internet browser.
You may cancel the entire order process by closing the web browser.
You may conclude the contract in German and English language.