  • GermanDE-CH-AT
  • English (UK)

Mode of payment

Payment in advance: Please remit the invoiced amount tot he chosen account of LIFECIRCLES. As soon as your payment posts to the Lifecircles account, the item will be shipped.
Cash on delivery (COD) is only possible within Germany

Bankverbindung: Raiffeisenbank Schongau/Pfaffenwinkel

BLZ: 701 695 09, KTO: 100 548 120
IBAN: DE33 701 695 090 100 548 120, BIC: GENODEF1PEI


This is a small German business (Kleinunternehmen nach §19 USTG – German Law). Lifecircles – U. Hoepker will not report purchase tax.

The only intention of the English translation of this website is to help foreign-languaged people to get a better understanding of this website’s content.