  • GermanDE-CH-AT
  • English (UK)


Original: 162 x 162 cm – 2009

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Every human is woven into a net of connection and relation by birth – family, circles of friends, circles of acquaintances, ancestors, teachers, professions, flora and fauna, nature, landscape, homeland, nation.
With birth the field of connection and relationship permanently expands.
Human life is nothing but an “interwoven existence“.
The human existence correlates with a living network connecting us to visible and invisible worlds – to the inside and outside - to the past, the present and the future.


The blossom: center, essence or soul
Seeds or marrow in the center: Life-tasks, possibilities of development
The whitish-pale blue waveliked circle, repeated several times outwards describes the two-fold energy flow – from the inside to the outside - from the outside to the inside. It is connected to a vertical and horizontal axis.
The vertical and horizontal wavy line in whitish and paleblue color passes through all layers of the Mandala and correlates with the two-fold, purifying energy flow.
The vertical wavy line points to the connection of earth and universe via an energy flow which streams from the bottom up and from top down.
The horizontal wavy line describes the energy flow streaming from the left to the right and from the right to the left. It connects the female and the male aspects, as well as the unconscious and conscious parts inside of us.
The vertical axis refers to the possibility of transformation of mood swings; also the possibility of transformation of material vibration into ethereal vibration.
The horizontal axis refers to time and space – terrestrial existence – from birth to death – from the past to the future.
The two axes build a cross intersecting in the center.
The cross symbolizes centering in the personal center/in the heart. It refers to a position which offers a “neutral, non-evaluative overview“ on the personal experiences of life.
The globe stands for the human body, the terrestrial life: “The world inside of us corresponds to the world around us“.
The quartered band symbolizes the connection with animals, with humans, with ancestors/spiritual beings and with plants.
Quadrants of the elements: fire, earth, air and water – find an analogy inside the body and in the outside world. They are the base of which the earth and all living beings are made.
On an ethereal level the elements offer a purifying quality. They are also related to „Elemental Beings“ and „Nature Spirits“.
The orange-reddish big heart expresses the individual, while also symbolizing empathy and compassion.
The circular leaf tendril illustrates the connection/relation with the “World of Plants“. Equally it symbolizes the cycle of nature and life. The growth of the leaves corresponds to a clockwise rotation.
The small pink hearts touch the big heart. They correspond to close connections with particular living beings. The symbolism inside the hearts refers to the diverse quality of this connection.
The circle with four landscapes symbolizes a powerful connection/relation with particular power-giving places in nature; with dreams/visions; with elements/power-giving experiences and with sceneries.
The quartered band with little hearts signify the close connection/relation with special people – family members, ancestors, teachers, friends, spirtual guides/teachers, mentors, role models or inspiring leaders.
The earth describes the connection/relation with the “Home Planet Earth“ – “Mother Earth.“
The earth gives birth and nourishes all living beings. She provides a basis for all terrestrial life. The earth symbolizes the beauty and never-ending creativity of the Creation.
The outer leaf-tendril illustrates connection with the flora. Plants offer food, medicine, and have teaching qualities. They are a symbol for the beauty and the inconceivable diversity of Creation.
They also refer to the steady cycle of life and nature. The counter-clockwise rotation of the growth of the leaves corresponds to the terrestrial rotation.
The universe enfolds the earth and all living beings as a part of a “greater whole“. The universe keeps the planets in their orbits and connects the earth with other planet systems. It also expresses the interaction and the influence on the develeopment of all terrestrial life.
The universe refers to the unimaginable dimension and creativity of the Creation.
The big waveliked circle in pale blue and white color corresponds to the permanent “Energy Flow of the Creation“ which is constantly emitting and absorbing.
The outer waveliked circlet in yellow color illustrates the all-embracing, life-giving energy which builds, enfolds, connects and renews all life.

Please remember that each Mandala affects each person in a different way. The added description might suggest a certain impression, but it is subjective. The individual perception seems to comply with a personal, momentary specific subject.